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Chemical Peels

chemical peelChemical peels can mean almost anything these days from rubbing your face with fruit acid to a full on “samantha – sex in the city ” peel , Dont do it alone , we may all be tempted by the results of famous stars endorsing specific peels , but it is imperative to have a consultation specific to your skin type and basically what works for some people wont work for you . Be professionally guided.
Dermaceutic chemical peels are a medical peel and can only be carried out by trained doctors and nurses. They are not available in the high street and should not be confused with very mild and gentle peels available from beauty therapists.

What do Dermaceutic chemical peels contain?
Depending on the particular Dermaceutic chemical peel product used, it may contain: glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or mandelic acid.

Is this a superficial, medium or deep peel?
Very superficial to medium depth peels.

What skin problems do they treat?
The Dermaceutic chemical peel range, in combination with special at-home skincare creams, can treat various skin conditions and disorders.

They can be used to freshen up the skin and can help to treat acne, oily skin, pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, photodamage and ageing skin. Some formulations within the range are also suitable for treating stretch marks and melasma.

They can be used on the face, the neck, the chest, the body and the hands. Most, but not all, are suitable for all skin types/colours. Cosmo Peel should only be used on skin types I – III (fair to medium skin colours).

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